
Today we got introduced into the field of experiences and more importantly the user-experience, presented by Daniela Spühler and David Wollschlegel.

Experience Experience is in my opinion a hard word to explain. We all know what it means but defining it in short sentences seems quite hard. We are able to experience an experience in many different ways: pyhsical, mental, emotional, social, etc. Experience is all of the inputs we receive during a moment, and the reflection on it afterwards. We are actually always experiencing something.

User-Experience The User-Experience goes a little further with the focus on the user and especially observes aspects like expectations, perception and reaction. Evaluating the experience the user receives can help improving a design and see other perspectives that the designer may missed due to familiarity of the design.


boyd, danah. 2007. “Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life.” In MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning – Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume (ed. David Buckingham). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Horst, Heather. 2011. Free, Social, and Inclusive: Appropriation and Resistance of New Media Technologies in Brazil. In International Journal of Communication. 5. 437–462.

Kaye, Joseph, Levitt, M. K., Nevins, J., Golden, J. & Schmidt, V. “Communicating Intimacy One Bit at a Time”. In Proceedings of CHI ‘05.

Krueger, M. W., Gionfriddo, T, & Hinrichsen, K. “Videoplace - An Artificial Reality”. In Proceedings of CHI ’85.

Merholz, P., Wilkens, T., Schauer, B., & Verba, D. (2008). Subject To Change:Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design. O’Reilly Media, Inc. (Chapter 1 + 5)

Additional Readings

Buchenau, M. & Fulton Suri, J. 2000. “Experience Prototyping”. In Proceeding of DIS ’00.

Holmquist, L. E. 2005. Prototyping: Generating Ideas or Cargo Cult Designs? In Interactions. March-April 2005.